Once the new tab appears, look at the number that comes after “userdata” in the URL. That number is the user ID of the owner of that badge, in this case 46476170. You can navigate to the owner’s page by id using Go ahead and copy this number to the clipboard. If you have AP, or the page is rated GA, then the IMVU web site should redirect you to the owner’s page.
If the badge panel is visible, you can just click “Request Badge” and it should tell you “You have received the badge”, mission accomplished. However there are some cases where you can’t get the badge. If the owner has marked that badge as non Auto-Grant, then there’s no way for you to get that badge, period. But if the owner has merely hidden their badge panel, or if they’re disabled or retired and no longer active in IMVU, there is Plan B: the Power of JavaScript.
If you click that one, it will show up with a banner and link, but the link points to the manufacturer page of a retired IMVU avatar.